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Frequently Asked Questions

What should I expect after a DUI arrest?

If you were arrested by a Washington State Trooper or a County Deputy Sheriff, then you will likely be charged with DUI in the District Court in the County where you were arrested. If you were arrested by a municipal police officer, then you will likely be charged with DUI in the Municipal Court in the municipal locality where you were arrested. Some towns do not have their own courts so, in those cases, you may be charged in a different court. Read More

Can I refuse Voluntary Field Sobriety Tests?

If you have been pulled over by law enforcement or otherwise contacted by law enforcement, and you have been asked whether you will submit to voluntary field sobriety tests, you have the right to refuse to submit to these tests. There is no penalty for refusing these tests. It is unlawful for the police officer to arrest you solely for refusing field sobriety tests. Read More

How We Can Serve You

We know that you are not a criminal; you are simply a good person who made a mistake. That mistake can, however, make you feel as though your entire life is in jeopardy. Whether you have been arrested on DUI charges, have received multiple traffic tickets, or are concerned about losing your driving privileges, at The Law Offices of Barbara A. Bowden, we understand these are overwhelming and stressful experiences. We will take what feels like an overwhelming experience, then work hard to make it easier on you and your family by minimizing the consequences. Whether this is your first DUI or your third or subsequent DUI, we will work to negotiate your charges, fighting for your driving privileges and defending your rights. We believe in fair treatment for you under Washington State law, from police officer to judge and from prosecutor to jury. We practice law in the following areas:

  • Traffic Offenses — Traffic offenses are often unplanned, unexpected, and unfortunate, but in some instances can be quite serious, affecting your family, your livelihood, and your financial future. We focus on protecting your rights when charged with a traffic offense, whether criminal or civil. We work with individuals throughout Western Washington.
  • DUI Offenses — At The Law Offices of Barbara A. Bowden, we are known and respected for the manner in which we help those in Western Washington with DUI charges. We understand that the potential consequences of a DUI can be very frightening, and because we focus solely on this area of law, we are much better prepared to take on the challenges of obtaining the best possible outcome for our clients.
  • Marijuana DUI — Those charged with a marijuana DUI are usually stopped for the same reasons as those pulled over for alcohol DUIs, and the penalties are the same. We understand that the marijuana driving laws can seem difficult, no matter how much you have heard or read about them, and we will work hard to answer all your questions with solid, legal answers.
  • Suspended License — At The Law Offices of Barbara A. Bowden, we are not just experienced in helping our clients avoid license suspensions, we help those with suspended licenses obtain a valid license. Our attorneys have a relationship with the Washington Department of Licensing; this, along with our experience, knowledge, and skills allow us to expedite getting you back on the road with a valid license.
  • Habitual Traffic Offender — A habitual traffic offender is one who has committed twenty or more moving violations or three major moving violations within a five-year period. If you are found to be a habitual traffic offender, you will have your driver’s license revoked for a 7 years. Sometimes we can petition for early reinstatement, thus getting you back driving well before 7 years.The attorneys at The Law Offices of Barbara A. Bowden can help—Barbara has over 30 years of experience with these types of hearings.
  • Commercial Driver License — If you have been charged with any major moving violation or a DUI, your CDL license could be in jeopardy. Because your livelihood likely depends on your CDL, it is imperative that you contact an attorney from The Law Offices of Barbara A. Bowden as quickly as possible. We will work hard to ensure you maintain your employment. We understand the importance of a CDL license and will thoroughly answer your questions and discuss the circumstances and facts in your case.
  • Arrests and Warrants — Being arrested for DUI or for another traffic infraction can be incredibly stressful and frightening. You may be unsure of what to do or say—or what not to do or say. You do not want to say anything which could come back to haunt you down the line, therefore say as little as possible and ask for an attorney. Contact The Law Offices of Barbara A. Bowden, and we will ensure you receive exemplary legal representation for your case.
  • Hit and Run — Hit and run charges are taken extremely seriously in the state of Washington; if you are charged with a hit and run, you are facing many negative consequences, including jail time, a license suspension, and large fines. Whether your hit and run is Attended or Unattended, we are fully cognizant of the differences in charges, fines and potential jail time and will walk you through the steps you need to take, answering your questions in a comprehensive manner.

We understand what you are going through, whether you have been charged with DUI or another traffic offense. We are willing to work tirelessly to ensure your rights are protected and will work to negotiate your charges, whenever possible. Our team is ready to fight for you and advocate for your rights. We believe that one mistake should not result in you having to place your life on hold and miss out on opportunities. Time is definitely of the essence in these situations, and our skilled defense attorneys and traffic ticket team will begin working on your case immediately, using our experience and knowledge to your advantage.